Frequently asked questions

Your FAQs, answered: learn more information

about NOED + The Body Project

Frequently asked questions

Your FAQs, answered: learn more

information about NOED + The Body Project

Frequently asked questions

Your FAQs, answered: learn more

information about NOED + The Body Project

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To understand if NOED is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Have you ever had concerns about your body image? 2. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 3. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 4. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 5. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 6. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 7. Have you ever tried dieting? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will benefit from this program.

What are the benefits?

Randomized prevention trials conducted by multiple independent labs have found participant reduction in body dissatisfaction, thin-ideal internalization, negative mood, unhealthy dieting, and eating disorder symptoms. The intervention also has been found to reduce future onset of eating disorders.

What is the difference between NOED and The Body Project?

They are the same program! The Body Project is a cognitive-dissonance-based body acceptance intervention that was designed to help adolescent girls and young women resist sociocultural pressures to conform to the thin-ideal and reduce their pursuit of thinness. When delivered virtually through peer facilitators, the program had its best clinical trial results. NOED is making The Body project accessible to more people than ever before by offering the program virtually live with trained peer facilitators.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To determine if NOED + The Body Project is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 2. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 3. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 4. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 5. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 6. Do you have any body or eating disorders? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will gain tremendous benefits from this program.

Does it really work?

Yes! A clinical trial demonstrated 77% improvement in body acceptance.

What is the expected time commitment?

The program is designed to fit into busy lives. It consists of 4 weekly 1 hour group sessions. Home exercises can add up to 1 additional hour per session.

Who is behind NOED + The Body Project?

Dr. Eric Stice created The Body Project and has continued to improve upon it over the past 20 years, most recently as a tenured professor at Stanford University. Dr. Stice co-founded NOED with a team of entreprenuers in Silicon Valley to bring this life saving program to a broader community.

When will I get off the waitlist?

We are actively moving people off of the waitlist! Depending on your spot on the list, it could be a few days or a couple of months. You'll receive an email from us when your spot becomes available. Want to get off the waitlist faster? Sign up for a workshop with 5 friends and start your program ASAP! Email us at

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